Trusted by industry leaders at

Over 1,000 global legislative sources, covering 157k substances, updated weekly.

We constantly monitor legislation and guidance to provide complete global coverage .


Our platform tracks and maps the latest regulated substances across 50+ markets worldwide. From REACH in EU to TSCA in the US, we've got you covered. Stay on top of regional and country-specific requirements all in one place.


We collect authoritative guidance from leading regulatory bodies and industry associations. We closely monitor updates from agencies and associations to provide you with trusted compliance insights for your products.


We map legislation and guidance to our extensive database of 157k+ chemical substances, including regulatory status, risk indicators, and supplier-specific insights. Drill down by substance name, EC or CAS number, product, or supplier to get the information you need to make proactive decisions.

What others are automating

How businesses are using Foresight

Product data

Instantly identify regulated substances in your products

Eliminate manual data gathering and ensure compliance by instantly identifying regulated substances in your bill of materials.
Automatically check products against 1,000+ legislation sources
Instantly flag high-risk substances of concern
Get actionable insights to ensure compliance
Product data
Supply chain
Supply Chain

Make life easier for your supply chain in your materials declaration campaigns

Our supplier-focused approach allows your suppliers to respond quickly and efficiently.

No more data gaps and unknown risks.
Submission Builder

Efficiently build regulatory submissions in mandated formats

Our powerful AI assistant and automated workflows allows you to quickly build regulatory submissions to maintain compliance at the right cost. Compatible with key regulatory systems.
Submission builder

OUR Powerful API

Use Foresight in your application.

Extend nearly any workflow using Foresight to connect your own systems with ours.
import requests

substance_id = "1333-86-4"
url = f"{substance_id}"

response = requests.get(url, auth=("api_key", "ForesightApiKey_LCqP9Hx8iTru5a_3Jk7mQwNbVcGf"))
data = response.json()

substance_name = data['name']
num_products = data['num_products']
supplier_name = data['supplier']['name']
regulatory_status = data['regulatory_status']
regulatory_lists = data['regulatory_lists']

print(f"Substance: {substance_name}")
print(f"Number of Products: {num_products}")
print(f"Supplier: {supplier_name}")
print(f"Regulatory Status: {regulatory_status}")
print(f"Regulatory Lists: {regulatory_lists}")

Substance Information for 1333-86-4

Substance: Carbon black

Number of Products: 12

Supplier: Acme Chemicals, Inc.

Regulatory Status: At risk

Regulatory Lists: REACH, TSCA, Japan ENCS (5-3328), Australia AICS, Korea KECI (KE-04682), Philippines PICCS, China IECSC, Canada DSL, New Zealand NZIoC, Taiwan TCSI

Don't let compliance slow you down.

Use Foresight to mitigate risk and maintain compliance with ease.